Simatic S7 SCL commands with examples

trigonometric / math functions

COS (cosinus), EXP (exponential), SIN (sinus), TAN (tangent)


The function returns the value of the EXP (exponent from the base e (e = 2.718282)) math function.

Result := EXP(Value);

Result: the return value of the function
Value: function input

A yellow underline in the code indicates that the result of the function is not completely accurate for REAL and INT types. For LREAL type, precision is complete.


The function returns the value of the COS (cosinus) trigonometric function.

Result := COS(Value);

Result: the return value of the function
Value: function input

A yellow underline in the code indicates that the result of the function is not completely accurate for REAL and INT types. For LREAL type, precision is complete.


The function returns the value of the SIN (sinus) trigonometric function.

Result := SIN(Value);

Result: the return value of the function
Value: function input

A yellow underline in the code indicates that the result of the function is not completely accurate for REAL and INT types. For LREAL type, precision is complete.


The function returns the value of the TAN (tangent) trigonometric function.

Result := TAN(Value);

Result: the return value of the function
Value: function input

A yellow underline in the code indicates that the result of the function is not completely accurate for REAL and INT types. For LREAL type, precision is complete.